– SERVE TENNIS has recently changed the layout of tournament websites. Be sure to click on the “show more” button to view all important tournament information!
– USTA PARENT WEBINARS – Did you miss any past webinars? Watch them HERE!
– After every tournament, you should be receiving a tournament survey from Feefo. Please take a moment to fill out the survey(s). It’s very important when it comes time for the staff and Junior Comp Committee to award new bids and it also helps us improve our tournaments. Responses will remain confidential.
– DOUBLE ENTRIES: Players are not permitted to enter two tournaments at the same time. When entries close, a player shall not be entered in two or more sanctioned tournaments, if any part of the tournament sanction dates overlap (once you have been selected for a tournament, you are committed to finishing out that tournament and you cannot enter another tournament). After a player has been eliminated from a tournament whose schedule of play partially overlaps with that of a second tournament, the player may enter the second tournament.
If you are an alternate for another tournament, you MUST remove yourself from that alternate list once you are accepted into another tournament. Players who violate this rule will be disqualified from both tournaments (applies to SoCal tournaments only) and will receive four (4) suspension points. (USTA Regulations IV.F.). This includes two weekend tournaments – don’t assume you’ll lose in the first weekend!
– IMPROPER ENTRY OR WITHDRAWAL: Player may be penalized under the Point Penalty Suspension System for improper withdrawals which includes:
- Failure to pay an entry fee
- Being entered when entries close in two or more sanctioned tournaments scheduled to overlap
- Withdrawal from tournament after entries closed for reason other than injury, illness, personal circumstance, or previously authorized entry into another tournament.
– BECOME AN OFFICIAL: We are looking for more people to become certified officials. If you’re interested, please start HERE.
– Need help paying for entry fees? Please email Ai at USTA SoCal and we’ll try to help you! Player must be free of suspension points and grievances to receive assistance.
– Missed a junior newsletter? View them all HERE.