Junior Rankings & Standings


Junior Rankings

& Standings

Climb the Ladder!

Player rankings and standings indicate player growth and competitive achievement, and are also used to qualify for local and national tournaments. The ranking structure for junior tennis is based on the American Development Model, which provides a standardized system across all 17 USTA Sections.

Ranking & Tournament Points

What’s the difference between standings and rankings?

Standings Lists are calculated from ranking points earned during the previous rolling 12-month period. Based on player activity and performance, a player standing fluctuates throughout the year.

The National Standings List is calculated and published weekly. You can learn more through the FAQ on usta.com.

Year-End Rankings are based on ranking points earned in one division during a January to December calendar year. These rankings are calculated and published only at the end of each calendar year. 

Players who win at least one match in a tournament will earn points based on their finish (round) in the tournament (Levels 1-5).

For Level 6-7 tournaments, players will earn points for UP TO four match wins. Note that byes do not count as wins, but defaults/withdrawals/walkovers will count towards ranking points. All Level 1-7 tournaments count for ranking.

Points are based on the level of tournament, with Level 1 events earning the most points and Level 7 tournaments earning the least.

Only a player’s top six singles and doubles results are counted towards their ranking.

On an annual basis, the USTA ranks players in the Boys’ and Girls’ 18, 16, 14, and 12 divisions on a national-level.

The final rankings for a junior age division shall include all players who: (a) Meet the citizenship/certain alien eligibility requirements; (b) Have been age eligible for play in the division at any time during the calendar year; and (c) Have accumulated at least 200 points in the division.

If you believe that your ranking or your child’s ranking points are incorrect, please provide us with the player’s information and a description of the issue.

Use this link to submit your inquiry to the USTA National office for review.

Find Your Ranking & Standing

There are several ways to track your ranking and standing. The first is through the USTA Southern California Standings, which will show where you rank among other SoCal players in the USTA National Standings List.

The USTA National Standings List places section players in a nationwide ranking among players in their age division.

For players who participate in USTA and ITF events, an ITF World Tennis Number (WTN) now provides a global standard for players nationwide – a scale designed for all players, regardless of age, gender, or ability.

Bryan Bros. Doubles Race

USTA Southern California has partnered with the most successful doubles team of all time–our very own Bob and Mike Bryan–to create the Bryan Bros. Doubles Race and bring awareness and attention to junior doubles play. 

Points are accrued at Level 3 thru Level 5 Southern California boys’ and girls’ doubles events throughout the calendar year (some special formats excluded), with top point earners crowned winners in each age division at year’s end. 

Remember that this is a doubles race! Points are compiled based on the team unit, so the best way to finish ahead of the pack is to find a solid partner and commit to doubles competition throughout the year. Those who play with multiple partners during the calendar year may earn a lot of points, but those points will be divided by each partnership.