Tournament Grievance Form
Grievance Form
Please Read Below!
This form is to be used for grievances related to any USTA Southern California-sanctioned junior or adult tournaments. Grievances may involve players, spectators, officials, or tournament directors. If this relates to a grievance that is not against a Southern California player occurring at USTA Southern California-sanctioned junior or adult tournament, do not use or submit this form.
Any written complaint must be filed within 15 days following the date on which the alleged violation occurred, except in situations where the alleged violation is based on a falsification of age or a falsification of information. Such written complaint must be filed within 15 days after discovery of such falsification.
This form requires information that you may not know on your own and that you will need to collect before being able to complete the form. Allow sufficient time to be able to gather the required information to submit the completed form before the 15-day deadline.
Please click here to read the official grievance procedures before you make a submission.
PLEASE NOTE: If the Grievance Committee finds your submission to be incomplete, you may be asked to re-submit the form. The more detailed information you provide, the quicker the committee can evaluate your grievance.